Something else caught my attention when organizing this data: I had long heard that serial numbers for this model continued above 1,100,000 in limited post-WWII production. And that's only for this particular model.
Even distributed over the course of about 25 years, it staggers the mind. Imagine the hours of machine time that it would take - especially in those days - to produce the components for nine hundred thousand pistols, particularly the complex machining for the slides and frames. 914546 - leaving more than a decade to produce the remaining 170,000 or so.
I have assumed that, given the serial numbers, the manual safeties on all three of the 1905s are of the 2nd style - can you confirm this? It is interesting to note that over 900,000 guns had been made by the year 1929, judging by the proof on pistol no. I have added the 1905s to the list (the Babies will be another project). Finish is blued unless otherwise noted.īruno, thanks very much for your contributions, they are much appreciated.
(Code '8' is duplicated for 19.) Example: Serial number 8G12345: 8 Year of manufacture (1958) G. 1958 to 1968 - The last digit of the year was used. Most early Browning serial numbers contained no date or model information and can not be dated using this system. Also, remember that some of the descriptions/notes next to the serial numbers are not my own, so in some cases I may not be prepared to support or interpret them since they are occasionally copied as they were furnished to me in deference to the contributors. This dating system is for Browning firearms manufactured after 1958. Note: In the descriptions, 'no safety' means no manual safety lever - trying to be brief so as to keep most of the entries on one line if possible. This would be a B-80, manufactured in 1980 with the serial number 01001. Serial Number beginning with 01001 at the start of each year. In 1976 Browning re-standardized its serial number identification. Special acknowledgement goes to Anthony Vanderlinden, author of FN Browning Pistols: Sidearms That Shaped World History, whose serial number list of Russian contract marked pistols, police-marked pistols (and others) is incorporated into this master list, and to member Jason (jtshafiz), whose list of observed 1905 serial numbers is also incorporated here. Use the picture below to locate the serial number on your Browning B-80 Shotgun. These numbers are taken from online auctions, dealer stock, reports from private collectors and various published sources. The FN Browning 1900 was also the first automatic pistol designed by the famous arms maker John Browning.įriends, For those who may be interested, I am posting here a list of the serial numbers of all FN 1905 pistols that I have observed or seen reliable reports of. Actually, it is the reverse: A true example is: 1001K70 A 1970 BLR with a serial number of 1001 The serial. Example: 69M1000 A 1969 BAR High Power rifle with a serial number of 1000. Colt M1900 FN Model 1903 FN 1900 pistol (Infographic. In 1969 Browning started using two digits for the date of manufacture: KBLR Lever Action Rifle This was then followed by the serial number beginning with 1000. FN M1900 FN Mle.1900 Browning M1900 Browning No.1 See also. The FN Browning M1900 is a single action.